
This is a list of hostnames already in use, or reserved for future use of Soleus itself. You can choose a hostname from this list of particles or this list of fictional particles. Don't forget to scroll all the way down, to check the reserved names, before you send your VPS application form.

Member VPSes in use:

adamantine adamantium aether algol alpha
anyon arenak arsonium atium australium
axino axion bassnium bavarium beerium
berkelium beskar bocanium bombastium boson
bysanium chronon chronoton coaxium computronium
dilithium durium dust eitur electron
elerium fatelectron finkilium frinkonium gaugino
glueball goldstino graviton hadron higgs
icenine inertron kaon kryptonite lambda
latinum lerasium luxon magnon majorana
mako melange mithril molybdenium muon
mythril nanite netheranium neutralino neutrino
neutron nvidium octiron octogen photon
pion polaron pomeron positron proton
qbit radium randomonium radion rebellium
redstone reson runite seastone sigma
silverstone snark spurion stalinium strange
tachyon testium tetraquark thaum tiberium
transformium trion tritanium ultron upsidasium
uru vibranium vizorium wimp wino
wprime xenos xirang yomammathon ziff

Total number of VPSes: 100

Hardware in use:

Reserved (by Soleus, for future use):

IRC Bots and other reserved names: