This is a list of hostnames already in use, or reserved for future use of Soleus itself. You can choose a hostname from this list of particles or this list of fictional particles. Don't forget to scroll all the way down, to check the reserved names, before you send your VPS application form.
adamantine | adamantium | aether | algol | alpha |
anyon | arenak | arsonium | atium | australium |
axino | axion | bassnium | bavarium | beerium |
berkelium | beskar | bocanium | bombastium | boson |
bysanium | chronon | chronoton | coaxium | computronium |
dilithium | durium | dust | eitur | electron |
elerium | fatelectron | finkilium | frinkonium | gaugino |
glueball | goldstino | graviton | hadron | higgs |
icenine | inertron | kaon | kryptonite | lambda |
latinum | lerasium | luxon | magnon | majorana |
mako | melange | mithril | molybdenium | muon |
mythril | nanite | netheranium | neutralino | neutrino |
neutron | nvidium | octiron | octogen | photon |
pion | polaron | pomeron | positron | proton |
qbit | radium | randomonium | radion | rebellium |
redstone | reson | runite | seastone | sigma |
silverstone | snark | spurion | stalinium | strange |
tachyon | testium | tetraquark | thaum | tiberium |
transformium | trion | tritanium | ultron | upsidasium |
uru | vibranium | vizorium | wimp | wino |
wprime | xenos | xirang | yomammathon | ziff |
zino |
Total number of VPSes: 100